You can be an advocate for the arts at any time! There are no special skills or tools required – just raise your voice or hands to let neighbors and representatives know the arts are an important part of our community’s future. Here are a few resources to help you get started…
Citizens for the Arts
Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania is an important Advocacy Group that maintains an action site to contact legislators and find media contacts for print, radio, and TV. Sign-up to receive The Citizen Online. Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania will keep you informed about legislation affecting the Arts in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
The mission of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) is to strengthen the cultural, educational, and economic vitality of Pennsylvania’s communities through the arts.
Cross-cutting Value: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Promote equitable access for all Pennsylvanians to participate fully in a creative life and in the diverse forms of arts and culture in the commonwealth.
- Strengthen Pennsylvania communities through the arts.
- Provide support for arts programming that engages Pennsylvanians throughout the commonwealth in experiencing the arts and exercising their creativity.
- Invest in community-based arts projects that serve as catalysts to livability, economic development, and community connectedness.
- Work with public and private sector partners to build cross-sector collaborations to advance shared goals.
- Preserve and promote Pennsylvania’s diverse cultures and cultural heritage.
- Connect and increase Pennsylvanians’ access to lifelong learning through the arts.
- Support arts in education to cultivate future innovators and build essential skills that promote success in school and career readiness.
- Advance quality of life for Pennsylvanians of all ages through arts learning and creative endeavors.
- Champion public awareness and appreciation of the arts in Pennsylvania communities.
- Inform and engage the public about the value and impact of the arts.
- Encourage Pennsylvania’s artists, arts organizations, and creative industries’ capacity for marketing and sustainability.
- Recognize and celebrate the arts and Pennsylvania’s artists and arts organizations as contributing to the commonwealth’s prosperity.
Pennsylvania Arts and Culture Caucus
The bi-partisan Pennsylvania Arts and Culture Caucus was established to provide caucus members access to the latest research, education, and policy related to arts and culture. PACC supports legislation that advances arts, culture, and tourism in Pennsylvania as economic drivers with known educational and civic benefits.
Americans for the Arts
Americans for the Arts serves, advances, and leads the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in America. Founded in 1960, Americans for the Arts is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education. They also offer arts news and resources specific to Pennsylvania.